K & I decided to hit the Greenway today for a run. I don’t run, I trot/walk. 😉
If you’re a runner or a trot/walker like me, please remember to stretch when you finish. Your back and leg muscles will thank you!
In the top picture, K is resting in Legs Up The Wall and I’m in Down Face Dog. Down Face Dog helps to lengthen the spine. Notice I have my heels on the baseboard and my toes are lifted. This gives a little more space in the legs for the hamstring and calf-muscles to release.
The second picture shows me in Child’s Pose, which helps open the low back and elongate the quadricep muscles.
In the last two photos I joined K for Legs Up The Wall with a couple of leg variations. This pose balances the sacrum and pelvis. I could go on and on about the benefits of these poses, but that’s for another day. Let me know if you’d like to dive into a practice. I would be honored to work with you. Make! It! Count!!