Hey Friends! When the weather is this beautiful, I practice outside and really try to Make! It! Count! This is the first time I’ve ever done Tripod Headstand in the open with no wall for support. It’s not perfect, but my alignment is improving and if you listen close my breath continues to settle.
Learning to invert isn’t something to walk into half-heartedly. It takes a sold understanding of your physical and mental body. It also takes truly going inward and looking past your fear, which is always the hardest piece for me.
Hi Christina
Just watched this handstand video — am so impressed with it. Will have to noodle this but plan to try. My husband Jon going to Canada for week of fishing in June and I’m looking forward to being free for a week — I love him dearly but we haven’t been apart for almost two years and we have moments of conflict as all married people do.
I plan to visit with women friends and pray on how to be a better wife. Your yoga ending song took me by surprise — so amazing! It truly was best cathartic, spiritual yoga experience I’ve ever had. Blessings on you 🙏
Hi Carol!
Your words are so very special. Thank You for taking the time to be here. I’ve been working this pose for a while, so please be careful. I hope Jon has a safe trip & has a great catch! Enjoy your time of self-reflection. Marriage is a beautiful blessing, but it takes work to make it last. I Believe In You!! It was such an honor to have you join us for practice. I love Your Tracy So Very Much! Please join us when you’re back in town! I mentioned several times during our class to honor your body right where it is. Please remember this as you noodle Tripod Stand. Don’t want you to injure yourself. I do both in-person and virtual private session work. I would love to work with you if/when you’d like to dive deeper. The savasana song I shared at the end of our practice is an original prayer that I wrote for our son, Ethan. He encouraged me to share it with my Yoga Family, which you are now a part of! 😉
Much Love & BIG Hugs… Make! It! Count!
Cristina Lynn