Do you feel like your back, shoulders, and neck are tight and their range of motion isn’t what it used to be? Let me show you some techniques that will loosen up your fascia tissue and help open the entire shoulder girdle. The shoulder girdle (or pectoral girdle) essentially connects your back, upper arms, shoulder, and neck. Under your skin is a multi-layered sheet of connective tissue called fascia. Fascia tissue surrounds the multiple muscles in our shoulder girdle and helps reduce friction as our bones and muscles slide around on top of each other during movement. When the fascia is inflamed (swollen), tightly bound, or has lost some elasticity we feel it as internal resistance when we move.
In this video I demonstrate some simple poses (asana) and movements that will help free up the fascia affecting your shoulder girdle and address range of motion issues that might be associated with scar tissue from old injuries or collagen loss from aging. These movements also promote increased blood flow to the affected muscles, so you actually get two benefits for the price of one! Remember, always be kind to your body and don’t perform any of these poses if they cause pain.
I’d love to hear how this works for you if you decide to give it a try. Send me a note on my contact form or leave a comment at the bottom of this page. Also, don’t forget to signup for my email list to stay informed of my latest posts. #ThereIsSoMuchHope