Hey Beautiful Friends! I’ve shared posts about what fascia tissue is and how to open up the fascia tissue in your shoulders and hands and wrists. Well, today we’re talking about opening up the foot & ankle fascia.
You know that feeling you get early in the morning when your feet touch the floor? Sometimes, our feet feel swollen with inflammation and sometimes there is pain. Yep, we’ve all felt it. If you’ve injured your ankles or feet or have ever had surgery there, I am so very sorry. The fascia tissue supports our body and protects it. Every time there is an injury or trauma, the fascia weaves itself back together in almost like a patchwork kind of way in hopes that it will not break again. Every day we walk on our feet, right? So, we injure the fascia daily and it reweaves itself back together daily. It’s a cycle.
The goal of today’s post is to help you realize that you can gently welcome opening up the foot & ankle fascia tissue. Today is all about sitting. I initially added standing, but I am fat thumb challenged. 😉 You’ll see at the end of the video I meant to spin my camera. When I turned my camera I hit stop, but didn’t realize until I had finished. Geez!!! Instead of stressing over it, I decided to simply Be Real. I’ll share my take on opening up the foot & ankle fascia while standing another day.
So, until then, I hope you will take some time for opening up the foot & ankle fascia, lean into God’s promise, #ThereIsSoMuchHope and never miss a moment to #MakeItCount!
Light, Love & Hugs,