Hey there, My Friends!
The body and the nervous system is a pretty complex machine. When my health seems to feel a little sideways, my thoughts turn to the nervous system. Specifically the the Autonomic Nervous System. I ask myself or the people I’m working with the simple yet tricky question, ‘What Bear Are You Running From?’ Yep, we all have ‘bears’ that we run from. I say this is a simple yet tricky question because stress is stress; positive or negative.
This video is a simple explanation of The Autonomic Nervous System… Just The Facts. What it is, the down & dirty of how it works and how a consistent practice allows the promise, #ThereIsSoMuchHope to shine a little bit brighter. A practice that consists of pranayama, asana and meditation slows us down enough to refocus on something other than the ‘bear’.
Ask yourself, ‘What Bear Am I Running From?’ Be as honest as possible with yourself and truly be mindful of that ‘bear’.
When/if you’re ready to dive deeper into settling and no longer running, I would be honored to help you build your very own #PersonalToolBox.
Here’s to You! Let’s Make! It! Count!
Cristina Lynn Zen