Hello, My Beautiful Friends!
Yesterday I turned 51. Isn’t it wild how time goes by?
I was ask what I gave to myself as a gift.
My answer… An early morning that I filled with pranayama, meditation and a quiet walk outside while sipping my warm lemon water. A short time later, K and Adie joined me to listen to the storms rolling in. It’s the #SimpleThingsInLife that make me giddy. 😉
Breath work is magical and meditation is medication. When you put them together; Pure Bliss!
Some people get wrapped around the idea of getting older. In many ways I do feel my 51 years settling in, but in many other ways I feel more lucky and alive than ever before. I get to do what I do right here; share life, ideas and #Hope.
Here’s to Another Trip Around The Sun as we #MakeItCount together!
Sending You light, love & hugs,