I get lots of questions from clients asking how they can improve their diet. Most of us have a hard time incorporating the recommended amount of healthy fruits and vegetables into our typical meals, so what can we do? We can make smoothies! They are a wonderful addition to our overall wellness routine.
In this video I provide a quick introduction to smoothie-making, explaining how I started down the smoothie path and why they are so good for us. Not only beneficial for their nutritional value, we can also incorporate ingredients from God’s medicine cabinet to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and fight seasonal allergy symptoms. All this and they are easy on the gut as well! Check out this short introduction and then watch for more videos which focus on key ingredients, provide recipe suggestions, and give tips on selecting, using, and caring for blenders and juicers. Sign up for my email list below and I will let you know as I add new articles and videos. #MakeItCount